The honorable chief of Jamboree's committee
The respectable speakers
And all my beloved audiences
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الحمد لله رب العالمين وبه نستعين على امور الدنيا والدين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين محمد وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين .
All praises be to Allah, the almighty, the creator of the world. May his peace and blessing be upon our prophet Muhammad shallallahu 'alaihi wasallam, the leader of messengers and guider of faithful people.
Dear audiences,
Please allow me here, to talk you about the youth responsibility. If we read the history of our nation of course we are going to realize that youngsters have a great role and participation in struggle of our nation to be free. if we talk about youngsters, especially in this development era, the youngsters' role is really important to be reinforced back. They are hope of nation, who will become success key in nation development to sake of brighter future of the country. It was said in a wise word that : today is young, tomorrow will be a leader.
Ladies and gentlemen,
This statement encourages us to pay attention to the youngster existence in the future. By knowing all the facts we realize, how important role the youngster has for the future. The youths supposedly symbolize the force that never become weak quickly. For this reason, the first president of Indonesia has once said : Give me ten youths and I would shake the world."
Ladies and gentlemen,
From this statement we can conclude that Bung Karno appreciated the young people more than the old one. Why? Because they play significant role and have great potency that can be prided.
By this way, in this nice occasion, especially in this Pramuka Day (Scouting Movement Day), I would like to invite all my beloved Scouting Movement members to be one in line, to face the future of our nation by studying as hard as we could be. Let's play our great role as an Agent of Change.
I think it's enough for me to finish my words. That's all, begging your pardon, finally I say ……
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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