Sabtu, 23 Februari 2013

Expressions of Giving & Responding Compliments

Ungkapan pujian atau kekaguman diberikan oleh seseorang kepada orang lain apabila ia merasa heran atau merasa seseorang telah memiliki sesuatu yang luar biasa, bagus, indah atau melakukan sesuatu yang dianggapnya diluar kemampuan normalnya.

Adapun contoh-contoh ungkapan kekaguman (expression of admiration) sebagai berikut.

Asking for Compliments
- What do you think of my new ......, (then)?
- I think .... suits me. Don't you? 
- Do you like my (new) .....?

Expressing Compliment
- Well done!
- Fantastic! 
- That's great!
- I like ....
- That/Those .... is/are nice.
- ..... look/looks nice on you.
- You do look nice in ....
- You have a beautiful hair.
- You have a nice voice.
- Mary got nine for English. What a clever girl.
- How beautiful flower is.
- What a beautiful flower.

Responding to a Compliment
- Thank you/Thanks.
- It's nice of you to say so.
- Really? I'm not sure about it, actualy.
- Do you really think so?
- It's very kind of you to say that.
- Thanks, I need that.
- You've my day. 

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